I guess this is sort of a short virtual CV explaining what I have done so far in my life. As with most CVs I will do my best to sell myself asa great constructive member of society! Sit tight cause this will be rather… underwhelming.
» Employment
Trading Analyst at “QuantBet Limited”- (January 2019 - November 2019)
I worked in a team of 6 people analysing the output of our trading system to ensure that everything was working as expected. I developed pattern analysis skills and teamwork skills.
Software Development Intern at “QuantBet Limited”- (June 2019 - August 2019)
Worked with an system to update and implement new features. Worked with and AngularJS and mongoDB based backend while also using the pug/jade template engine.
Spanish and Mathematics Tutor(2016 - 2017)
Pretty self explanatory.
» Certifications
eJPT - eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester (June 2020)
The eJPT taught me some interesting concepts of penetration testing. I learned a lot about the specifics of the OSI model and also learned about pivoting and enumerating an unknown ‘black box’. I completed the eJPT on my first attempt.
» Education
Cyber Security MSc - York University (2020 - 2021)
Due to start at the end of September. Modules are meant to start online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Computer Science BSc - University of Leeds (2017 - 2020)
During my studies at the university of Leeds I found out that I was actually a big fan of programming and of computers in general. Some would say that I should have come to that conclusion before starting my degree, but to each their own. Through my degree I developed my analytical skills and my general understanding of mathematics and of computers as a whole. I graduated with a 1:1.
Some of the modules I took which I found especially interesting were, in no specific order:
Computer Processors
Distributed Systems
Secure Computing